
Post Processor / DNC System

Data Output for the Controls to Almost Every Machine

Automatically and Directly

Data communication between the individual elements of production forms the basis for what we know today as Industry 4.0. Today, there are many available options for securely and quickly transferring data from the presetter to your CNC machine.

The post-processor or data transfer via the DNC network ares used to prepare measured actual tool data in a manner appropriate for the machine controller involved and transmit actual data from the ZOLLER presetting and measuring machine directly to the CNC controller. Data is transmitted over the network or over a serial interface – excluding any typos.  The "data input" software function (format generator) in the ZOLLER »pilot 3.0« measuring software converts the measured values determined by the machine into a control-compatible format and outputs them. The software contains a library of over 230 standard output formats for a wide variety of machines (modifications are possible to fulfill specific customer requirements).


Learn more about output formats